Probiotics for Men Vs. Probiotics for Women

True or false? All bacteria are bad and will cause you to get sick.
With all the emphasis on antibacterial this and that these days, it’s easy to believe this is true. Actually, it couldn’t be further from the truth.
The gastrointestinal microbiome, i.e. the bacteria in the gut, is an essential part of the digestive system. Without the proper “good” bacteria living in the body, an individual can’t properly digest their food and can get very sick.
These bacteria can be replenished through food and other sources to ensure proper digestive health. Probiotics supplements are an excellent way to do this when food sources are not adequate.
However, what about probiotics for men vs probiotics for women? Is there a difference? Let’s explore more here.
Related: New Day Health Probiotic
Benefits of Probiotics
The bacteria in the gut assist in the breakdown of food and subsequent absorption of the nutrients in the digestive tract. Without the proper gut flora, an individual can experience unpleasant symptoms such as diarrhea, diabetes, allergies, obesity, and even mental health problems.
Related: New Day Health Candida
An imbalance occurs when there are too many “bad” bacteria and not enough “good” bacteria. Poor diet choices, illness, antibiotics, and other medicines can all cause this imbalance. Probiotics are an excellent way to replenish the “good” bacteria in the system.
The health of the gut heavily influences other systems in the body. Thus, the benefits of taking probiotics are surprisingly varied. A few of them are:
- Improve symptoms of some digestive disorders (ulcerative colitis, IBS, and necrotizing enterocolitis)
- Improved immune system
- Improved mental health (can affect depression, anxiety, OCD, autism, and memory)
- Improved heart health (can lower cholesterol and blood pressure)
- Improve allergies and eczema
In addition, some of the side effects of antibiotic medication come about because the medicine indiscriminately kills off all bacteria in the body, both good and bad. Taking probiotics can help good bacteria flourish and limit the extent of those side effects. However, patients are advised to consult with their doctor for timing and dosage so as not to interfere with the positive work of the medication.
Probiotics for Men Vs. Probiotics for Women
Although the digestive systems in men and women are largely the same, there are a few differences between the two when it comes to gut health. For example, men are more prone to acid reflux (heartburn) and lesions in the small intestine called duodenal ulcers.
Women tend to be more affected by some digestive disorders. It is more common for women to suffer from irritable bowel syndrome, inflammatory bowel disease, and constipation. Female digestive issues tend to be even more common when pregnant.
On top of that, women seem to be more prone to digestive side effects from medications like aspirin or ibuprofen. Chronic use of these drugs by women is more likely to lead to GI tract inflammation and damage than when used by men.
Another thing to consider is the effect that probiotics have on a woman’s reproductive system. And the effect of her reproductive system on her gastrointestinal microbiome.
Several types of bacteria live in the vagina and an imbalance can easily lead to a yeast infection. Plus, hormonal changes with the menstrual cycle or menopause can affect the bacteria.
All that to say, probiotics are beneficial for both men and women, but perhaps women benefit from them even more.
Choosing a Probiotic
As with any supplement, the quality of probiotic supplements varies. It’s important to choose a reputable brand to ensure that the supplement adequately supports health.
It’s also important to be aware of the kind of bacteria used in the supplement. There are various strains of bacteria that manufacturers can choose from.
A couple of the most common genera of bacteria that manufacturers use are Bifidobacteria and Lactobacillus. These strains can also be found in yogurt and other foods that contain probiotics.
While these strains are excellent for gut health, they both have one major weakness. They are not very resistant to gastric acid. This presents a problem since the bacteria have to travel through the stomach to reach the intestines, where they can flourish.
They can also be sensitive to temperature changes and other environmental fluctuations that make creating a supplement with a long and stable shelf-life challenging.
A solution to this issue are Time-Release Supplement Capsules. These capsules can be designed to release probiotics gradually, or to release them at a specific time in the body. They help counter the shelf-life issue of other probiotics. New Day Health’s probiotics use the patented DE111 capsule just for this purpose.
Bacillus subtilus is a great alternative and is something to watch for when choosing a probiotics supplement. Bacillus bacteria are proving to be a better choice because of their resistance to gastric acid and greater ability for a more stable shelf-life.
On top of that, researchers are finding that Bacillus bacteria may provide other desirable effects such as:
- Antidiarrheal effect
- Antimicrobial effect
- Immunostimulatory effect
- Anti-inflammatory effect in the intestines
- Normalizing intestinal flora
- Competitively excluding pathogens
Regardless of which probiotic is chosen, one with a variety of strains will provide the most benefit. A healthy balance of bacteria in the gut requires more than one strain. Plus, it will help to account for individual differences.
A high colony-forming unit (CFU) count (30 billion per serving is good) will provide the best results.
Check out our 30 Billion Probiotic Supplement
Types of Probiotic Supplements
There are many types of probiotic supplements available. Pills and powders are common forms of probiotic supplements.
Many manufacturers are also producing foods and drinks with probiotics added. Take care with those, however, and read the label closely. Lots of added sugar provides food for bad bacteria to flourish and can counteract the positive effects of the added probiotics.
You can also brew or buy kombucha, a drink made by mixing yeast and sugar with green or black tea and allowing it to ferment. You can even buy tea bags with probiotics powder to add a dash of healthy gut flora to your morning cup of tea.
Are Probiotics for You?
The right balance of bacteria in the gut is an important part of health. It affects not only the digestive system but also many other systems in the body.
In today’s world, it is easy to throw these bacteria out of whack. Doctors are quick to use antibiotics to prevent infection and prescribe other medicines that can affect the gut. Plus, many people don’t make the best dietary choices.
Taking a probiotic supplement is one way that people can keep their bodies healthy and strong. Strong digestive health is paramount to good health. Otherwise, the body can’t take advantage of the nutrients in food.
Don’t squander the positive effects of a good diet by not giving the body what it needs to process those nutrients. Talk to your doctor and look into taking a probiotics supplement today!